Monday 8 March 2021


Monday March 8th 2021

As mentioned many times previously on this blog, Great Barr and Barr Beacon have, for a long time now, been sites of considerable interest to the West Midlands Ghost Club.  In brief, we have seldom come across such a relatively small region so incredibly rich in, quite varied, ghostlore....  This is made all-the-more intriguing by the simple fact that a lot of the area involved is semi-rural in nature and greatly unsullied by human presence.  Still, this greatly 'open' area is absolutely littered with completely diverse tales and accounts, making it a perplexing patchwork of ghostly tales and incredible weirdness!?

It is always a great pleasure to be able to add another story to the already bulging collection of strange scenarios in this region, so we were overjoyed to be presented with this incident only a few nights ago:     

One night, around a decade or so ago, three lads were walking home from a bonfire at a local rugby club.  Their journey took them along the A4041, Queslett Road, near the former St. Margaret's Mental Hospital ('Maggies') in Great Barr.

Passing a particular spot, the group saw some lights in a field that backed on to a wooded area.  For some 15 minutes or so, the lights were flashing from one side of the field to the other, as if someone were toying with a flashlight.  The light would stop for 10 to 15 seconds, then start again.  The peculiar thing was, the light would sometimes be seen 'above' the tree line... as if somehow floating above the distant canopy... then traveling back to ground level?

A cold night, two of the group protested that they were freezing and tried to encourage the third to carry on with their journey, but he says that he knew "something wasn't right, which, weirdly, made me want to watch it more; wait for it to come back....."

As the three stood there - the large, completely empty field spreading out in front of them - a 'white horse' suddenly 'appeared'......  This animal was larger than any horse our confidante had ever seen before and literally 'glowing' white! 

But the 'physical appearance' wasn't what shook the boys; it was that the animal 'appeared out of thin air', in front of them..... and it was already 'running at a gallop' when it materialised!?  (*The Gentleman informs me that he has purposefully returned to the same spot maybe 3 times since the encounter, standing on the site of their experience, and - on a recent visit - took this photograph, below.  We're told that the horse appeared just in front of the position of the lone tree in the middle-ground).


Upon seeing the horse, all three lads instantly ran across to the other side of the A4041 - a normally busy thoroughfare - without even thinking to check for oncoming traffic!  Only upon reaching the opposite side did they consider looking back, but there was no sign of the animal at all, by that point......?  Still, they subsequently 'ran all the way home', having been so thoroughly rattled by the sighting!

As with many such 'shared' experiences, the lads - upon meeting up again - had often spoken of their encounter and refer to it as 'The White Horse'.  In his most recent return to the site, the man was reminded that he had once, briefly, posted to our blog about this matter, leaving brief data on one of our Great Barr related stories. This thought had, thankfully, inspired him to re-establish contact with us and explain the experience in some detail.  The hope was, given the peculiarity of the matter, that someone else might have possibly encountered something similar and, in seeing this note, potentially let us know of their story too?

While we couldn't exactly add anything to the 'equine' aspect of the experience in this specific location, it had to be mentioned that there are actually a number of 'horse-related' tales attached to the immediate area!  For many years now there have been tales of a 'phantom coach' haunting the region, the sound of which is often heard in Chapel Lane, near St. Margaret's Church.  The coach was also 'seen' by someone in a location just off the aforementioned Queslett Road too.  In the former hospital grounds, I was once told that one patient would often speak of seeing a 'horse and rider' from the window of their room, but, because of their unfortunate condition, this information was always dismissed as some form of hallucination.  One morning however, a member of staff (the person who informed me of this matter) happened to glance out of the window concerned and swears that they saw the rear end of a horse and rider just in the process of vanishing from view, around the corner of the building!?  A similar sight was witnessed by a young boy delivering newspapers one morning, on a housing estate about a quarter of a mile away, during the 1950's.  The form that he saw was vague and misty, but in the general shape of a woman on a horse!  Many years ago, at the crossroads of nearby Chapel and Crook Lanes, it is claimed that a number of horses (being led by a group of men) 'froze solid' upon hearing the chimes of St. Margaret's Church clock, marking midnight?  The animals refused to budge a centimeter, despite the desperate urging of the drovers, until the chimes stopped... upon which they seemingly carried on, un-flustered.....!?

Returning to our 'White Horse' account, however, there is one aspect of this particular experience that - while not horse related - was a DEFINITE eye-opener for me!  In recently relating the story, the man concerned was (I'm most grateful to say!) thorough in his reporting of the facts and presented photographs of the exact site at which they'd had their encounter.....

Around 10 or so years ago, I was contacted by a woman who said that (some time earlier) she and 2 members of her family had been driving along Queslett Road, in the direction of West Bromwich, when a 'figure' had crossed the road, in front of their car, wearing what she described as 'period costume'.  She quite accurately gave the location where this had occurred - the figure moving off in the general direction of Barr Beacon - and the spot she mentioned was the exact location of the above-mentioned 'white horse' sighting? 

Needless to say, we are extremely grateful to the gentleman for so kindly taking the time to contact us with such a detailed account of his experience!  All concerned would be most interested in hearing from anyone who might hold data on similar, or potentially related, activity in the Great Barr area......


Monday March 8th 2021

To quickly give a little, simple, context to this post:  This is a picture - obtained during ghost investigations held between 1993 and 97 (approx.) - that I've just kindly been given permission to share here.  It was taken at a reasonably ancient site, in the English Midlands, that has a long standing history of haunting associated with it.  Clearly, the site is in a ruinous state, as shown in the photograph.  Topically, given our recent, purely coincidental, introduction to this image, the property concerned had - in more recent years - been mentioned in media sources concerning another (alleged) 'potentially paranormal' image, obtained there....  However, regarding this other picture, it should be mentioned that - a sign of this day and age - the scenario surrounding the taking of the photograph does strike as highly questionable indeed!       

Dispensing with the usual fluff re. 'leading people', it can surely be stated that the 'anomaly of interest' in the image shown above is quite easily discerned....!?  The slightly edited image below has had a simple 'Adjust Colour' option carried out on it, once, for the sake of experimenting with the clarity of the anomaly.

From a personal point of view, I'm often privy to numerous, alleged 'ghost photographs' and - while I'm always interested in seeing such images - it has to be said that the bulk of these pictures are... well.... far-from interesting.  Purposeful fakery (using phone apps, etc), pareidolia, dust particles (i.e. 'Orbs') and good, old wishful thinking clearly account for 99.9% of examples.  Even in offerings that might result in a slight, 'Wow - that's interesting!' factor, the truly objective viewer still cannot (obviously) afford to dismiss any of the aforementioned... which, to me, results in a simple, entirely non-committal, 'Nice pic!' style viewpoint.  I'll happily admit that, in the past, I've given the latter appraisal to a number of images which have turned out to be blatant fakes... such at the infamous 'Wem Fire' picture, etc.  Fake, pareidolia, or whatever.... you can certainly commit yourself as far as admitting you've 'seen a nice pic'; something that feels particularly good, right or potentially compelling as far as supposedly 'spooky images' are involved....! 

With the above statement in mind, I should admit that I don't personally think it IS possible to photograph a 'ghost', as - simply put - I don't believe 'ghosts' are actually made of the kind of 'stuff' that can possibly be recorded in this way, etc.  This still doesn't stop me from identifying a 'Good pic!' when I (rarely) see one... with the image presented here genuinely being one of the best that I've seen in absolutely ages now!

It should be stated clearly that the person who has kindly shared the image with us is an experienced investigator, with - suffice it to say - a very good background for the general subject... being (bona fide, academic-level) educated in psychology and parapsychology.  Their own appraisal of the image is:  'Obviously we've always said that in our opinions it's probably 99% pareidolia but we just love it.  And it's our very own ghostie lol...."    
Needless to say, we'd VERY much like to hear from page visitors regarding what they might think about this intriguing image?  Please DO feel free to leave a comment below!


Monday, March 8th, 2021.

A recent, chance discovery of an old photograph of The Manor House, at Stone Cross, West Bromwich, instantly put me in mind of a particular experience that was recorded on the very first, overnight visit, by the W.M.G.C., some years ago now.....

A vigil was being held in the 'Function Room' section of the property during the early house of the morning.... a spot that was always jokingly referred to as 'Crossroads Motel' (by club members), because of it's overwhelming 60's / 70's style and general vibe. 

At one point, just after 3 a.m., group member, Steve Chew, clearly reacts with considerable surprise to something and informs the group that he had 'seen a figure' just outside some nearby glass doors!  Members present react immediately, but nothing can be seen upon investigation?

At the point in question, Steve had been in a position directly facing the doors concerned and says that the figure had moved from his left to right - speedily, in what he'd taken to be a 'gliding motion' - seemingly quite close to the glass.  He reported that the form had been tall and thin... but moving in a 'stooping' position, as if traveling against a considerable wind!?  (Of which there was none, on the night in question).  From what he could tell, it had appeared to be wearing a long cowl or dress-like garment, light-greyish in colour.... and he got the impression that it's arms had been 'tucked in front of it', very much like when you see stereotypical images of 'monks', with their hands secreted inside the sleeves of their tunic.....

Referring to the photograph at the head of this post (taken around the time of the first investigation): the area being discussed here is the windowed section of building - actually part-hanging over the moat - nearest the position of the photographer.  The glass doors mentioned are, while being viewed from a slight 'side' position, still clear in the shot.  As the viewer can see, there is a low set of 'railings' between the external, patio-like area and the moat, which probably reaches around 'groin height' on someone of average height.  Taking Steve's experience into account, the 'figure' that he witnessed would be traveling in the direction / position of the arrow in image 2 above... meaning that the only place that the swift-moving form could possibly go was.... well.... 'over these railings' and 'into' the moat.....?

In contrast, the aforementioned 'old' image, showing roughly the same angle (below) - which inspired this post - was supposedly taken around the late 1940's / early 50's.  At that point in time, it is widely claimed that the Manor House of West Bromwich - while being known to have existed in the past - was regarded as 'lost'... probably demolished at a point long ago?  (Quick note*  This fact has been refuted numerous times - albeit mainly on social media - the suggestions made being that the local corporation knew exactly where the Manor House was, but, basically, didn't really care!?)  The official story is that the property was happily 'discovered again', in the 1950's, during the demolition of 'slum buildings'... the framework of the old property being simply 'found', hidden underneath the exterior of the hovel-like structure.....? 

 In viewing this angle again, from this time, we basically see the same route taken by Steve's figure... though with the 'Crossroads Motel' section of the property yet to be constructed and the moat excavated, etc.   In visiting Sandwell Archives, some years ago, numerous images revealing different versions of this side of the property were discovered and - in the very corner of the site, where the red arrow roughly originates - there was a doorway to one of the so-called 'slum dwellings'.  From this doorway there was, clearly shown in a lot of pics, a 'footpath' of some type, leading away from the door in the exact location that Steve had witnessed the figure moving!?  In the archived photographs - again, without the presence of the later excavated moat - the trackway is seen to simply progress in a straight line, 'out of shot' across the field, to wherever.....!?