Thursday 31 October 2019

Thursday 31st October 2019

While long being a user of such things as 'talking books', certain radio documentaries, and the likes, I must admit that I wasn't at all familiar with the concept of 'online Podcasts' until this last year or so.  Having made the acquaintance of my friend James Lees, I was finally introduced to this topic, which - I must admit - was a greatly 'hit-and-miss' experience initially, as far as I was concerned......  In short, I found myself greatly hating the 'chatty', frequently multi-person-fronted, radio-show-style efforts that seemed to infer as somewhat self-obsessed type of broadcasting....... though the occasional, well structured and clearly well-researched shows also manifested in the number of choices on offer for the general paranormal / mysteries genre.

For any page visitors who might also be a fan of well-presented and probing podcasts, I had been - for some while now - intending to list my two, all-time-favourite, concerns along such lines:

The first - 'The Unexplained Podcast' (LINK) - was suggested to me some while ago by the aforementioned James Lees... and was my firm favourite for quite some while afterwards.  Presented and researched by Richard Maclean Smith, the show is usually kept to half-hour (or sometimes shorter) offerings which basically reflect what the associated, advertising blurb claims:  "A haunting and unsettling bi-weekly podcast about strange and mysterious real life events that continue to evade explanation.  A story-based show mixing spoken-word narrative, history and ideas - often to terrifying effect - that explores the space between what we think of as real and what is not; where sometimes belief can be as concrete as ‘reality,’ whatever that is…"

The second offering, which is, by far, my firm-favourite to date - 'The Dark Histories Podcast' (LINK) - was basically stumbled across while attempting to potentially 'dig out something similar' to the aforementioned show....  No offence to R.M.S., of course, but this broadcast - hosted and researched by a Brighton-based, hair stylist named 'Ben' - soon switched places with 'The Unexplained' as my top listening choice!  What I personally like / prefer about DH is - the same as 'Unex. Pod.' - the amount of research that clearly goes into the subjects covered by the show.  In general comparison, however, the 'run-time' for this podcast is generally quite superb..... usually transcending the hour mark - sometimes approaching / pipping two hours, even! - which is absolutely excellent for what I use such shows for...... i.e. fascinating 'company' on long walks, or while carrying out lengthy boring / taxing tasks, etc.

From a myriad different shows on offer, these are the only two that I'm actually 'waiting for' each week / bi-weekly, for new episodes to appear.  Both IMHO are absolutely excellent.... to the extent that I've often downloaded and given 'multiple-listenings-to' shows covering certain topics that wouldn't normally be of any real appeal to me!  If you're into paranormal and / or mystery related podcasts and topics, you can't go far wrong in checking out these 2 amazing shows......!!        

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