Monday 27 July 2020

Monday July 27th 2020

It's been great to be able to actually make a handful of blog posts in relatively quick succession of late and this latest, albeit brief, update comes as an extra-pleasure to make.... as it concerns a book freshly published by an old friend of ours!

We first met Lisa Ashby when she kindly invited the W.M.G.C. to investigate a property in the Brownhills area of Walsall, back in 2001.  The building was a centre for the local disabled community, which had a history of peculiar and potentially paranormal happenings.  Over the following couple of years or so, members of the group made numerous daytime and overnight visits to the property, not only looking into the strange history of the site itself, but also getting to know a little of the lovely community that the place housed..... 

It was during the latter that we learned that
Lisa and her family were already no strangers to the paranormal, as, for some 7 or so years, when she was still a young girl, they had lived in what would typically be regarded as a 'haunted house'...... 

And it is here that Lisa's book begins; the place upon which - and the happenings therein - her story is built.......  While being presented as a work of fiction, '33, Baggott's Circle' is genuinely 'based on true events'..... not only giving the reader an entertaining, spooky tale to follow, but also offering the keen, added realisation that: this really happened!!

Please check out the associated Amazon page HERE and purchase a copy!!

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