Monday 8 March 2021


Monday March 8th 2021

To quickly give a little, simple, context to this post:  This is a picture - obtained during ghost investigations held between 1993 and 97 (approx.) - that I've just kindly been given permission to share here.  It was taken at a reasonably ancient site, in the English Midlands, that has a long standing history of haunting associated with it.  Clearly, the site is in a ruinous state, as shown in the photograph.  Topically, given our recent, purely coincidental, introduction to this image, the property concerned had - in more recent years - been mentioned in media sources concerning another (alleged) 'potentially paranormal' image, obtained there....  However, regarding this other picture, it should be mentioned that - a sign of this day and age - the scenario surrounding the taking of the photograph does strike as highly questionable indeed!       

Dispensing with the usual fluff re. 'leading people', it can surely be stated that the 'anomaly of interest' in the image shown above is quite easily discerned....!?  The slightly edited image below has had a simple 'Adjust Colour' option carried out on it, once, for the sake of experimenting with the clarity of the anomaly.

From a personal point of view, I'm often privy to numerous, alleged 'ghost photographs' and - while I'm always interested in seeing such images - it has to be said that the bulk of these pictures are... well.... far-from interesting.  Purposeful fakery (using phone apps, etc), pareidolia, dust particles (i.e. 'Orbs') and good, old wishful thinking clearly account for 99.9% of examples.  Even in offerings that might result in a slight, 'Wow - that's interesting!' factor, the truly objective viewer still cannot (obviously) afford to dismiss any of the aforementioned... which, to me, results in a simple, entirely non-committal, 'Nice pic!' style viewpoint.  I'll happily admit that, in the past, I've given the latter appraisal to a number of images which have turned out to be blatant fakes... such at the infamous 'Wem Fire' picture, etc.  Fake, pareidolia, or whatever.... you can certainly commit yourself as far as admitting you've 'seen a nice pic'; something that feels particularly good, right or potentially compelling as far as supposedly 'spooky images' are involved....! 

With the above statement in mind, I should admit that I don't personally think it IS possible to photograph a 'ghost', as - simply put - I don't believe 'ghosts' are actually made of the kind of 'stuff' that can possibly be recorded in this way, etc.  This still doesn't stop me from identifying a 'Good pic!' when I (rarely) see one... with the image presented here genuinely being one of the best that I've seen in absolutely ages now!

It should be stated clearly that the person who has kindly shared the image with us is an experienced investigator, with - suffice it to say - a very good background for the general subject... being (bona fide, academic-level) educated in psychology and parapsychology.  Their own appraisal of the image is:  'Obviously we've always said that in our opinions it's probably 99% pareidolia but we just love it.  And it's our very own ghostie lol...."    
Needless to say, we'd VERY much like to hear from page visitors regarding what they might think about this intriguing image?  Please DO feel free to leave a comment below!

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