Thursday 4 November 2021

Thursday November 4th 2021

I would always try and keep my personal views on politics - at least 'non-ghost-related' subjects - from being aired on this blog... but, having only come up in the local press in recent days, this is one item that I believe 'has to be' mentioned.... 

Greatly related to the post above, Pouk Hill - on the border of Walsall and Bentley - has been 'on my radar' for a number of years now, mainly due to it's name... and what such a title might signify in the region, historically speaking, in a potential, 'paranormal' context? 

As with topographical sites and features containing such words as 'Hob' and 'Bug' in their names, 'Pouk' is also a potential indicator of otherworldly influences, the Middle English translation for the term often meaning: 'An evil spirit, a devil, goblin; a devil, or the Devil, Satan', etc. 

Similar to a number of other terms, like those (most common examples) mentioned above, this is a name that was frequently associated with places or regions that had some kind of 'paranormal' history or reputation - such as a site that was thought to be 'haunted' and so on. Usage of such terminology is archaic at the vest best, however, so - in most of these examples - the reason for the usage, or 'the story behind' such usage, is completely lost to time, sadly.... 

In the Walsall example, however, I have been told - in more recent years - that some 'ghostly activity' is not exactly unknown! (Though I find that this is a distinct rarity, with these places, it has to be suggested?) A year or two ago, I was told by a woman that she was cycling through Pouk Hill during the early hours of the morning, returning home from work, when she saw a misty, figure-like form silently cross the road in front of her. The shape simply passed from one side of the thoroughfare to the other - within yards of the bewildered onlooker - before passing into the open space formerly occupied by the local quarry and out of sight....? 

And so... it now seems, according to recent, local press coverage, that a considerable portion of Pouk Hill is - the same as a LOT of the UK at present - in fear of vanishing forever, under some hastily erected, panic-built housing project! I shall purposefully leave my own views on the why's and wherefores of this current, highly destructive 'plague' out of these comments and, suffice it to say, it would be an horrific shame to see one of the few green areas in this region - especially with potential, supernatural history - disappear under an unwanted avalanche of brick and tarmac....!! An article on this matter - explaining the usage of the picture at the top of the post - can be viewed HERE

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