Sunday 2 October 2022


Sunday October 2nd 2022

In speaking to a local acquaintance - in fairly recent months - I had been informed that they believed the premises of a business, which they have fairly recently taken over, was possibly 'haunted'..?  Needless to say, I was intrigued... especially so when some of the details they related about the matter smacked of more 'traditional' sounding poltergeist-like effects.

The first thing that was mentioned to me was the discovery of a number of examples of the same item being discovered 'in a line', on the floor of the premises, seemingly having been placed there when the site was closed and completely empty of human agency.  In another instance, three identical items had been discovered piled-up in a pyramid-type formation.  Empty rooms upstairs had their lights switched off and doors closed.. but, upon returning, the doors would be open and the lights switched on again!?

The owner had become so perplexed, they had gone around the building checking to see if there was any possibility that someone might have been getting into the premises at night from the roof, or some such entry point?  Nothing was found, however...

On occasion, it was believed that there was a smell of something akin to aftershave in the air upstairs... the impression being that someone had been 'getting themselves ready' for something up there?  The owner admitted that they didn't feel unduly bothered by what might have been going on, but other staff were... one person refusing the even visit the toilet alone, it seems.

Upon visiting the site concerned last week, with a 'ghost investigator' friend (though not on 'spooky business', I hasten to add!), the owner had called out to me and, perplexingly, asked me to go upstairs and take a look at their 'writing on the wall'...!?


In following, I was led into a disused front room of the property and shown a plaster wall that clearly had the word 'Kenneth' written on it - along with what looked to be some initials, possibly? - in pencil, in a rather flamboyant / flowery hand.  The main word is sizeable, perhaps around 6 feet in length and is preceded by an indistinguishable initial / letters (above), with a smaller pair of initials below the 'K' of the main word.  (Below).


Needless to say, I was informed that the lettering had seemingly just 'appeared' and the business owner couldn't explain it?  (The room itself was never kept locked, however, so would basically be 'open to' anyone who ventured upstairs in the property).  The owner had initially wondered if the word had been an attempt to write their own name, but I had assured them that the word concerned was indeed 'Kenneth', which they could call to mind no connections with.  I had asked if they perhaps saw any similarities between the text and any members of staff, but was told 'no'... and that - because of feelings about the site - no staff members would venture inside that room anyway!  As a further point, it was mentioned that there wasn't even a pencil in the property, to their knowledge.  (There were other places on the same wall that contained writing in pencil, but these were old marks made by workmen making notes and diagrams about electrical systems and so forth).

With regards to the images shown here, the picture immediately below this paragraph is how the camera on my phone recorded the wall, which, unfortunately, replicates the lettering a reasonable amount 'fainter' than with the naked eye...  I am greatly against the enhancement of images generally - for example, in order to make anomalies seem more prominent than they are and so forth - but, for the sake of this post, I have 'altered' the photos to show what can be made out when not relying on my phone!


It had previously been mentioned that I was welcome to 'investigate' the site if I wished to, but, as I'd not really been pursuing such situations for some time now, I hadn't taken them up on their kind offer.  However, due to this recent development, I had enquired whether myself and a small group could possibly visit at some point soon, with a view to carrying out a small, informal examination of the property, overnight.

Watch this space...

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