Friday 9 June 2023


Friday 9th June 2023

“…It was like looking into some mad ‘junk shop’ from a movie; everything packed in together – everything on top of everything else – in a crazy, mish-mash of a jumble!  I guess there might have been ‘a place for everything’ at one point in time (?), but pretty much any semblance of any real order was long gone… K.K.K. next to Black Panthers, next to Witchcraft, next to crime, next to a model of Rasputin’s penis… next to S.A.S. memorabilia and so on.  Certain portions of the property did seem to hold a theme, to a loose degree, but the boundaries between each portion were pretty-much non-existent…”

Nick Duffy – Diary 47 – Entry for Halloween Day, 2022.

During late October, 2022, John Chance had suggested that we might take a look at Littledean Jail in Gloucestershire.  This was a location that he had previously visited – and actually ‘investigated’ – on a considerable number of occasions, over recent years.  Noting how many times he had happened to mention the place, over the time that I have known him, invariably left me with no doubt whatsoever as to how highly he thinks of the location…

Coincidentally, only a couple or so months before making his suggestion, I had been listening to an episode of a particular podcast that mentioned the location to some length.  The data concerned – it should probably be mentioned - had been quite derogatory.  However, while the show supposedly concerned ‘paranormal’ topics, the bulk of the views being put forward really didn’t seem to have anything to do with the ‘haunted reputation’ of the building, but were mainly aspersions being cast on the legitimacy of what was being displayed therein, greatly fueled by what appeared to be a somewhat ‘Woke’ standpoint…  Enough said on that angle, however! 

Personally speaking, Littledean Jail wasn’t a place that I knew anything at all about – apart from what John had imparted to me – save for the fact that it was supposedly haunted; had seemingly become quite popular with the commercial side of ‘paranormal investigation’ in more recent times, and had also made something of an impression in ‘Dark Tourism’ circles…



An attempt was initially made to reach Littledean on the 27th of Oct., but – typically - the English Midlands suffered crippling amounts of torrential rain on the night of the 26th.  As a consequence, it proved quite impossible to even leave our own neighbourhood, because of horrific road flooding!  Because of this, a further endeavour – successful, this time! - was made a few days later, on the 30th, which, fortuitously, turned out to be the very last day the site was open, before closing for the Winter Season!

I’ve always heard it said that ‘first impressions are everything’… and the quote from my diary, at the head of this post, really doesn’t even come close to doing the sheer higgledy-piggledy, insane nature of the site justice!  I had intended to try and accurately explain… to paint a picture of… the locality in this blog entry.  However, to save myself a crippling headache and potential sleepless night, I shall refrain from even trying... and simply advise interested parties to read up on the place!

With regards to the ‘ghostly’ reputation of the site, there seems to be a mass of different information on offer… though, as with most commercial concerns that attract all-and-sundry, a lot of this data frequently depends on who you ask, or where you happen to look…?

Because of the aforementioned, I shall stick to reporting from a couple of ‘trusted sources’ for this write-up… As mentioned, my good friend John Chance - of the ‘GhostCallers UK’ society - is a 'frequent flyer' when it comes to this site and has visited Littledean Jail around 15 or so times, in total! 

During these visits, he has experienced a number of peculiar incidents, including being one of the witnesses at a ‘group sighting’ of an unknown, female figure…  The young woman concerned appeared to be around 5ft 6” in height and wore an old-fashioned, light coloured coat, with large buttons.  On her head was a beret and, underneath that, her hair was long and brown. There were brown shoes, with big, thick heels, on her feet.  She stood stock still during the sighting, which apparently lasted a few seconds... 

Given her dated, wholly evocative appearance – coupled with the close proximity of a collection of Nazi memorabilia - it is easy to understand anyone witnessing such a figure quite naturally sensing that she originated from that particular period in time and with such powerfully repellent items…?     

Yet another full apparition was also spotted by John in a corridor linked to the Day Cells area.  This separate encounter involved what appeared to be the figure of an old, ‘Gaoler-style' character, wearing a suitably period-looking uniform.

John has also heard the sound of children whistling in the Old Courtroom area, as well as a sequence of footsteps passing along the Day Cells corridor.  Disembodied voices have also been ‘captured’ on recordings that he had made in the particular cell housing an electric chair. (Below). Perhaps more subtly, he has witnessed ‘light anomalies’ appearing in the former stable block and small rocks, seemingly moving of their own volition, in the yard outside…!?



Now, passing on to the excellent book ‘Ghost Hunting In The Black Country And Beyond’, another old acquaintance of mine - the author Andrew Homer - dedicates a fascinating chapter to this site!

Related to experiences mentioned above, the presence of ‘ghostly children’ at the site is, seemingly, often noted.  Disturbingly young-sounding cries and screams have been reported here, along with the wailing of a newborn baby in the cells!  Loud footfalls – along with more juvenile-sounding steps – reverberate along corridors at all times of the day and night…  As alien and horrific as such suggestions might seem to the more modern, sensitive mind, ‘young offenders’ would have been housed here at certain periods during its history, right alongside the most vile, adult, criminal types!  Also, a number of infants were born here, to the unfortunate incarcerated, over the decades…

Inexplicable noises are a common occurrence… though, probably none more poignant than the sound of ‘slamming cell doors’, with no human agency around to manipulate them!?      

Maybe, however, the above-mentioned – and other more raucous activity - can be ascribed to a ‘negative presence’ reported at the jail... a malicious force said to physically ‘push past people’ on occasion?  We don’t know what real evidence there is for such a character in the real-life history of the property - if any - but it is suggested this ‘ghost’ is that of a brutal prison official, who loathed the younger charges in his care, and would pass from cell to cell, terrorising them!?

Drawing the stories of ghostly activity to a conclusion, Andrew mentions an investigation he once took part in at the jail. It was, by all intent and purpose, a quiet night… but, just at the point of 'giving in', the attendees decided on one, final vigil.

He and another member opted to seat themselves in one of the upstairs cells, with the heavy, iron door closed. At the end of the narrow landing outside, a group of investigators had seated themselves for the forthcoming period of observation.

During the course of the subsequent, 45 minute vigil, Andrew and his companion clearly heard what they described as ‘something heavy being dragged along the floor of the corridor', directly outside the chamber they were in…  The noise apparently held no metallic or solid-sounding elements to it, but was more akin to a large sack of flour being pulled along!?



They resisted the urge to open the cell door and check-out what was making the noise, as they felt secure in the knowledge that their associates outside – in the nearby position that they held – couldn’t have helped but share in the experience involved… 

However - come the end of the vigil – the excited inquiry as to what had possibly been occurring was put to the observers outside the chamber…?

They had heard, they said... absolutely nothing at all!?

In ending this long-overdue update to the blog - one of many, by this point in time! - I should just like to, once again, say a MASSIVE 'thank you' to John Chance, for kindly inviting me along on another of his adventures!  As always, much appreciated, matey!

For anyone interested in Littledean Jail - visits, opening times, and all related data - their comprehensive, official website can be viewed HERE.

Information on the availability of books by respected investigator and author, Andrew Homer, can be found on his website HERE 

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