Friday 10 January 2020

Friday 10th January 2020

For anyone who is interested in indulging their passion for 'ghost hunting' - while also serving a most worthy cause - we would just like to draw your attention to a local event being organised by our good friend, Liz Cormell, on behalf of the RSPCA.....

Anyone taking an interest in the ghostly heritage of the Black Country in recent years cannot help but be aware of the magnificent, 18th Century, 'Bonded Warehouse' in Stourbridge and it's intriguing, spooky reputation.....  Over the space of many years, numerous staff members and visitors to this site have reported bizarre experiences and supernatural encounters, including both poltergeist-like occurrences and the sightings of apparitions!!  Objects have inexplicably moved of their own accord on a regular basis, over time; such things as 'doors opening and closing of their own volition' and 'disembodied footsteps' are often reported.... while the figure of a whistling man in an olde-worlde 'cow gown' has also been witnessed around the property!!

In November 2016, another good friend of ours, the respected paranormal researcher and author Andrew Homer, investigated this amazing site and, of his time there, later reported:

“We had split into two groups with one group downstairs and another upstairs spending about 45 minutes seeing if we could experience anything. The upstairs group had put a trigger object down – a chair in the middle of the room with a child’s ball on it. Then my group went up ahead of me because I had to change the batteries on my head camera. I made my way upstairs and realised that the rest of the group were not there – I went over to the very edge of the room to switch my head camera on. What you hear on the video that it captured is the ball bouncing and I was nowhere near the thing – the chair was right in the middle of the room. We did try after that positioning the ball again and seeing if it would fall on its own but it didn’t. It had originally been up there for at least an hour......”

Well - on Saturday, the 11th of July, 2020 - interested parties can now take part in their very own investigation of this impressive property.... with the added bonus of knowing that proceeds from the investigation will be donated to the RSPCA!!  The event concerned will be held between 7.30 pm and 1.00 am, affording attendees ample time to 'get to grips with' the atmosphere of this historic site, in the presence of the considerably experienced - and thoroughly lovely - Liz!! 

Needless to say, places are limited, so anyone wishing to attend are urged to visit the associated Facebook page HERE and 'make their presence known'.......   

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