Tuesday 3 March 2020

Tuesday 3rd March 2020

The second instance of what appears to have been a 'static apparition' - as mentioned in the previous post - occurred in King George V Playing Fields, in Bloxwich, Walsall, some 20-plus years ago.....

Two girls, in their mid-teens, were in the process of cutting through the bowling green portion of the park - taking a short cut to the nearby Stafford Road - when they spotted what appeared to be a female figure, dressed in a black, cloak-like garment.  It was dusk at the time of the sighting, and the girls ended up standing still, to make sure they were actually seeing what they thought they were!?  As with the previous account, the figure concerned was stock still and completely unmoving and - at only a relatively short distance from the form - they were able to see that it was face-less and holding a crook-like stick in it's hand....... 

After they ascertained that they were indeed seeing something untoward, they did as any other self-respecting teens would do and 'legged it'...!!  Laugh!!  One of the witnesses admits that they still talk about their encounter to this day and - so others might get the gist of what they saw - she kindly drew a sketch (as shown at the top of this post).     

As a matter of interest in this particular case, it should be mentioned that - within a very small distance of the spot in question - there is a quite famous site, known for it's legendary, ghostly status! 

Just off the Stafford Road - on the edge of the area now occupied by George V Playing Fields - there was once a coaching inn known as the 'Old Kings Arms'.  It is said that a coach once stopped overnight here - on a lengthy journey to elsewhere - and the occupants took lodgings at the inn.  One of the travellers was a young woman who was supposedly carrying a bale of expensive silk with her.   During the night, so the legend goes, 'someone' attacked the unfortunate girl, robbing her of her cloth, and killing her in the process.....

For many years now, it has been said that the ghost of this murder victim has been seen sitting under a particular tree, at the side of a pool, near to the site of the old inn.

Around a century or so ago, the inn itself was transformed into a convent... which, a few decades further on, was then demolished and a housing estate built on the site.  In more recent times, the ghost of the young woman seems to have been greatly forgotten in the region and, instead, 'ghostly nuns' and poltergeist-like activity have been reported in some of the houses that now occupy the same land!?  

In light of the latter mentioned, given the description of the black-clad, female figure, seen by the two girls, is it unreasonable to consider that the form they saw that evening, two decades ago, was possibly something to do with the long demolished convent and it's former occupants, perhaps? 

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